Pierre Zarokian of Submit Express speaks at Pubcon
Pubcon , which takes place during October 5-8th in Las Vegas, is the largest gathering of search marketing professionals in North America. Its speakers represent some of the biggest brands and names in marketing, including names like Disney and Guy Kawasaki. On the subject of reputation management, veteran search marketing professional and CEO of Reputation Stars and Submit Express , Pierre Zarokian will cover how to handle negative reviews on Yelp. Yelp has become the first point of contact many consumers use when they search for local businesses. While unethical, it’s not uncommon for one business to practice negative SEO in the form of leaving poor reviews on a competitor’s website. While Yelp has done some work cracking down on this behavior, it’s also been revealed that Yelp has some unflattering practices with regards to selling ads. Those who refuse to pay say negative reviews begin to appear, sometimes in greater numbers than before.