• thirdtribemarketing

Keyword Generator Tools

Back in the day coming up with keywords was a specialized task. Whoever was entrusted with the job was under a lot of pressure to think and to think out of the box to come up with fantastic keywords. However, all that changed with the advent of keyword generators.

These tools have simplified and complicated the lives of internet marketers and web developers. The simplification refers to the fact that keywords are now generated rather than thought of. The complication is that everyone has access to this technology and therefore come up with more or less the same keywords.

This is where making the transition from a free tool a paid tool will make the difference. Free keyword generators are ideal for startups as their cash reserves are low. However, once the business gets going it is advisable to switch to a paid tool which is more powerful. These have advanced features like cross testing, which will highlight the keywords being used by others so that they can be avoided or used with care.

When choosing a paid keyword generator, it is essential that a lot of thought is put into it. A tool that comes along with a training session from an experienced internet marketer will be of more value than others. It is also essential to know everything there is to know about Search Engine Optimization, so that the full potential of the tool can be realized. If used properly, this tool can help to get a website into the top search rankings every time.

If you are looking for free keyword generation tool, then use these:

Google Keyword Tool : Free tool from Google that checks their own search data
Submit Express Keyword Suggestion Tool : A free tool that provides some similar keyword data, but also will give you keyword traffic estimates using data source from WordTracker and KeywordDiscovery, which are 2 of the best keyword research tools, but since WSubmit Express has a partnership with them, they provide the data for free.

For paid keyword research tools, try these:

Keyword Discovery
Keyword Spy