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Yelp Ordered to Surrender User Data by Virginia Court

A new ruling from the Virginia Court of Appeals is forcing Yelp to reveal the names of seven anonymous users that left bad reviews of a carpet care business. The ruling looks at the legitimacy of online reviews that cannot be verified through traditional means. Yelp currently allows users full posting rights as anonymous, believing that everyone should have the right to express their opinions without identifying themselves personally. The courts, apparently, disagree. Drawing on a pre-existing statute, the Virginia court ruled that the reviews presented significant enough risk to the business that the owner was justified in requesting the user data. This case falls under well defined laws in the state of Virginia, but the rest of the US is still reeling from the verdict. Will this ruling forever jeopardize a user’s right to post a negative review of a business anonymously

Interesting international search and social media usage facts

Webcertain recently published some interesting international search and social media usage facts: 1. More than a quarter of the world’s online population log onto Facebook EVERY day 2. Brazil is the world’s by far most socially engaged nation 3. Yandex is the world’s fourth largest search engine, now bigger than Bing 4. Google holds a 71% share of the global search market; Baidu captures 16.5% 5. Central and Eastern Europe’s social audience set to outstrip that of North America next year 6. Incredible climb of 360 Search sees it surge above 20% market share in China 7. Twitter now has 215 million active monthly users globally; LinkedIn 184 million 8. VK attracts twice as many visitors as Facebook in Russia and crushes it in engagement. 9

Details on Bing’s Policy to Remove Defamatory Content by Our CEO

In a new article published in SearchEngineWatch.com, our CEO Pierre Zarokian writes about the supposed change in Bing’s policy on removing URLs from its search engine. Published on August 23, Bing No Longer Complying with Court-Ordered Defamatory Content Removals? , the article reveals that several reputation management attorneys have told Zarokian that Bing refuses to remove certain content from its search engine, even after a court of law declares the content defamatory. This can be significantly harmful to many website owners and businesses. Has Bing truly stopped accepting court orders to remove defamatory content from its search index? The article includes insightful interviews with the lawyers, Bing’s response to the recent claims, and interesting commentary by Eric Goldman of Ripoff Report.

Business Owners Rise Against Yelp Panel in Hollywood

A recent article from the LA Times reports the growing dissatisfaction with Yelp, a popular review site for restaurants, tradesmen, and local businesses. Yelp, Inc. held a panel of three reviewers and two business owners at the Pantages Theatre on Tuesday in Los Angeles, California. The meeting was held in an effort to explore misconceptions surrounding the company and to build relationships with business owners. However, the discussion quickly degenerated into an emotionally ridden criticism of the website’s aggressive advertising practices. One business owner, Craig Martin of Cafe 50′s in West Los Angeles, told the panel, “I have one-star reviews for my diner from people that have never walked into the place

Twitter Updates its Search Results

Twitter has announced that it has revamped its search results on Twitter.com, making it possible for users to search the social network with features similar to Google’s Universal Search. As they type their queries users can now search photos and accounts as well as recent searches and social contexts. Twitter’s updated search results panel now features accounts and photos. For any given query, Twitter search will first display people results, followed by top tweets and then photos related to the query. A new photo tab makes it possible for users to join both filters

Reputation Management Can Help Small Businesses Succeed

Your online reputation is now protected by the new launch of Reputation Fighters. Founded by Pierre Zarokian of Submit Express, Reputation Fighters will offer the same quality service offered by the parent company for the last 14 years. Deeply involved in the operations of Submit Express, Pierre is known for assuring great work for his customers. Online reputation is incredibly important for small businesses because it reflects the amount of time, money, education, equipment, staff training and marketing you have invested. Unfortunately, many businesses fall victim to angry staff and crazy customers ranting about them online, whether the content is true or not. Most customers use online review sites like Amazon and Yelp to determine if they want to even set foot in your door to buy your products and services. 83% of consumers report that online customer reviews helped them formulate their decisions. Even one false review can dramatically decrease your sales, especially those placed on high ranking sites like RipOff Report. Reputation management helps reduce the impact of negative reviews showing up in search results