• thirdtribemarketing

Get free help to analyze your Website traffic

Tracking visitors to your Website and what they do while on your site can give you valuable information to the business owner as well as your SEO. Some tools such as Website analytics will allow you to not only gather information about the visitors but also make them buyers. They can also help you to get your customers to comeback. There are many Web analytics software including free Google Analytics, $1.99 Ego that gives you data from your social media site, free app known as Raven Tools that puts all your analytics in one place, free SEM calculator that help you to set up live marketing campaigns, and free SEOStats that provides statistics on your domain name.

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Web analytics collect, analyze, measure and provides reports based on visitors to your Website that you can use for many purposes including optimizing Web usage. It provides you with means to improve your marketing efforts, target customers, and improve the efficiency of your Website. Web analytics can help you even before you create a site by giving you information for business expansion potential what they call off-site Web analytics. The on-site Web analytics can give you everything you need to know of customer behavior to success or failure of a marketing campaign.