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How to Improve Bounce Rate Now that it’s an SEO Factor

bounce-rate-seo-factorArticle by Web Design Express.

If you want to get the most from your online marketing efforts, then it’s vital to improve your search engine rank and to decrease your bounce rate. Because Google wants to supply their users with the best possible search results, reducing your bounce rate will also improve your SEO rank, and the following tips will get you started in the right direction.

Improve Readability

Many people turn to a California SEO firm when their goal is to get their website to appear on the first page of the search results, but you can improve your rank on your own. Making your website or blog easy to read will work wonders when it comes to decreasing your bounce rate. To do so, use small paragraphs and subheadings throughout your content.

Easy to Navigate

If your website or blog is difficult for your visitors to navigate, then they will simply click away and go somewhere else. A California SEO agency believes that you can increase the ease with which people can find your content by linking to all of your relevant material from your home page.

Keyword Placement

Targeting certain keywords is a vital part of the SEO process, but a SEO agency in California has advised its clients to use caution when they are placing their keywords within the content. If a keyword does not make sense or is spammed within an article, you will experience an increased bounce rate. Many people have achieved a positive outcome by using a keyword density of 1.5 percent, and you can do the same.

Web Design Express is a top web design company from Los Angeles. Let Web Design Express design your website and grow your presence online.